At the completion of a study, the Instrument Design Lab engineering team presents the conceptual design resulting from their collaborative engineering process to the customer team. This presentation forum provides an interactive environment to verfiy that the resulting design meets both the customer's requirements and expectations.
A formal presentation, representing the team's findings, includes system/subsystem conceptual design, expected system performance, operational support requirements, trade studies (that have been conducted or should be conducted in conjunction with future activities), operational scenarios, system/subsystem attributes (e.g., mass, power, size, data rates, design maturity level, etc.), cost estimates, risk and technology assessments, and identification of recommended future work.
Within 3-4 weeks following the IDL formal presentation, the presentation material will be updated (as needed) to incorporate comments received during the final presentation. The detailed study results produced by the discipline teams will also be provided to the customer as an integrated package to officially wrap-up the study process.